Bits-Land Decentralized Payment Channel and Smart Contract Explorer

Miron Kaczmarek
3 min readJan 31, 2022

The Bits-Land Decentralized Payment Channel and Smart Contract Explorer are two tools for developers to build smart contracts. They allow users to create scenes, structures, artwork, and challenges in their virtual world.

They also provide tools for social games and applications. The DPCh and SCE offer a unified marketplace for all the best digital goods. Those who don’t have a wallet can use these tools to create one.

Bits-Land is a decentralized, public blockchain platform by a global developer community. Bits-Land is an open finance platform that provide a better opportunities, communities and financial service.

Bits-Land is an open finance platform that provide a better opportunities, communities and financial. Our team are from around the world and passionate about blockchain, cryptocurrency, payment products, Decentralized Exchange, Cross currency payments with simultaneous transactions in domestic currencies.

Bits-Land is one of many decentralized applications that use the Lightning Network. It allows users to create, manage, and execute intelligent contracts while providing a platform for decentralized transactions.

These applications are built on top of a blockchain and can be used for different applications. They also offer USD-pegged assets or stablecoins. You can move them to a decentralized lending platform and earn interest if you have USD-pegged assets. Or you can put them in an on-chain investment fund, where you can invest your profits.

A smart contract is a program that allows for a decentralized system to manage transactions. A decentralized payment channel can be used to make payments. This means that the blockchain is the intermediary, and no third party can make payments on the platform. The Bits-Land Decentralized Payment Channel is an excellent example of a decentralized payment channel. Unlike traditional banks, Bits-Land enables users to exchange cryptocurrencies.

Smart contracts can be easily audited. If a third party does not audit an agreement, it can be invalidated. Slippage is the price of a contract executed without a third party. The security of smart contracts is paramount to the future of a decentralized economy, and the Bits-Land DPC and SCE are some of the best tools for that purpose.

Bits-Land Main Features

Smart Contracts Hooks are small, efficient WebAssembly modules projected specifically for the operation in different networks

Non-Fungible Tokens Low fees, faster transactions, and custom token functionality make token the ideally suited for building an ecosystem for NFTs.

Sidechains Extend, experiment, and specialize a custom sidechain based on platform proven blockchain technology.

Bits-Land Main Platfom

Bits-Land is a decentralized, public blockchain platform by a global developer community

Decentralized Exchange
Cross-Currency Payments
Payment Chanel

Bits-Land is a decentralized, public blockchain platform by a global developer community. Bits-Land provides more secure and attractive finance options to customers. Here we build a better world through the Bits-land’s tough platform.


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BTT: Miron Kaczmarek


Wallet: 0x9Ee22A30E2328d78BeA6802208D6A431EC3C2914

